Hallucinating Hampi- Chapter 5


I don't want to make it long, I don't want to make it fast. Remain intrigued about Anjali and her family who turns up to be a game changer...

When she said Arpana, she meant it. In a time when Sanyasa has different meanings and perceptions. Interesting to her was the perception of the Sadhu who explained to her more about his spiritual life. From the morning of 3rd October, all she thought about was dance and nothing else. Nothing else was her priority. Ramu, went in occasionally to check if she was doing fine. And on one instance, when Ramu was the only person other than Sahasra in the premises of temple complex they spoke about the extraordinary carvings on the walls of Rama Hazare Temple. In 1000 carvings, the festival period during the times of Vijayanagara was depicted.

Early mornings in the temple premises were not isolated any more. Never before, had been a dance practice so popular. To the thoughts of Shahasra’s choreography Chinna Devi also practiced with her and the dance was turning out to be a performance which needed two people. While, it was evident that she would be dancing alone on the final day of Dusshera.

The onlookers looked with awe, when they saw the costumes of the kids. Her peculiar taste in colours where actually becoming a matter of attraction.

On the 4th day since October 3rd, Sahasra had already choreographed 3/4th of her dance but she was never satisfied by the quality of the performance. She did not give much into the costumes and as she had not come prepared to be a dancer or a dance teacher. She was already the talk of the town.

Popularity could never dominate her and she remained humbled throughout the days, just concentrating on her practice and the performances of her students.

During the day time she walked around to see more places, and on one particular day she had been to Hemakutta hills from where she saw Kadalekalu Ganesha standing tall with pandits performing their daily pooja. Juxtaposed between the present
and past, it been ages since any daily pooja was performed on the sculpture.
The remains of Jain temples looked decorated to her, with flowers and garlands. She could hear the drum beats everywhere, she was surrounded by temples, and for a moment she felt to be alone in this world when her eyelids met in peace for the first time after sitting for meditation.

Chinna Devi appeared again, but this time she explained how she was refrained from performing during Dusshera. She also took references of Tirumala Devi who the Raja married in due course of time. Sahasra was told to do justice to the arpana which she meant for Lord Shiva. As the Lord he who is worshiped in different forms in and around Hampi.

Sahasra did not yet know that she was already an important personality, who was given the privilege to perform inside the Royal Court Yard. Something which was about to happen after centuries. But, for the hallucinating Sahasra it was another year of Dusshera festival and she wanted to give her best shot, as she chose to dance in front of the entire Royal family.

The 8th day of Dusshera and things were serious now

People in and around Karnataka had gathered to witness the resurrection of centuries old custom. No one knew about the unusual schizophrenia of Sahasra, all of them believed she had come prepared for this. As she walked back to Virupaksha after the day of practice she met a family near the monolithic bull sculpture.

Ajith, his wife Anjali, Niyamika their daughter and Niranjan their son had this frenzy of visiting places and Hampi was one among their choice. From the morning they have been hearing about the dancer who shot to fame in 8 days and were excited when they finally met her. Anjali being a dancer had came prepared to perform on the 9th day of Dusshera and she had come with complete costumes.

Sahasra accepted their request and invited them to see her practice in the early hours so that they can leave,as Anjali had her performance scheduled at 11 am in the morning, She was ready with her complete choreography at the end of 8th day.
She stood in the centre facing towards the deity of Virupaksha and started off with Vandanam. She rose from the squat with her legs closing straight, stretched her legs and took the form of Natraja. Niyamika was already in love with her expressions as Anjali looked awestruck.

Her denim shorts left her quadriceps exposed which were already shining with her sweat. When she rose to the form of Natraja, she stood on her toe with her expanded calf muscles. She continued to perform and
her hands reached where her eyes ought to be, her eyes reached where her thoughts ought to be, her thoughts reached were her expressions ought to be“.

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