Hallucinating Hampi- Chapter 10

Is 13th day her last day alive?, why did she get that boon?
too many questions to be answered in the last and final installment of Hallucinating hampi

Biswas's eyes were moist when he bid adieu to the dancer. Her looks on Biswas were no more romantic, as Chinna Devi was no more around her. It was the last day of her stay in Hampi. She was carried in an open motor car to the Virupapur Gadde by the local residents in a festive procession.

Decorated with flowers on the way, Sahasra could not really figure out why the people whom she considered to be her loved ones were happy about sending her in exile. In real, that was a ceremonial sent off for their beloved dancer, as a gratitude for the fame and respect she brought to their land.

Drum beats and dancing tributes from young performers on the docks of Tungabadhra was an unusual way to send someone in exile, but a perfect way for send-off with love.

As she listened to the native residents of Hampi, they pleaded her not to leave. They believed that, with her, will leave the fame and prosperity that she brought in.

The procession halted, as she stepped down from the decorated wagon she walked towards the river while her eyes kept searching for the conspirators and their accomplice. She stepped into the river and her heart beat count rose. She did not want anyone to cross the river along with her. The natives of Kishkindha waved good bye while the natives of Hampi waited in the steps of the river bank on the other side to receive her.

With each step of Sahasra, her anxiety kept rising. She was in the center of the river when she felt a sudden stream of floods gushing towards her. She stood stiff and bold with her folded hands. She was just moments away from getting drowned.
The river that could not once submerge Sahasra had drowned her already. It was evident, not only the residents wanted the dancer to stay but also the destiny. She felt like her soul leaving her body.

Time for the boon to be realized. The aura appeared in front of her and then the conversation happened

"Now that your purpose of life has been met, the day you completed your arpana. Your legacy should now stay with Hampi and should never cross the river. Your end is inevitable."

She realized the boon she received, and felt privileged to choose the point of time were she could be reborn, and that is when she replied

"I rather choose to resume my life as a dancer from the place where I was drowned, than to be reborn at the happiest moment of my life. Life has a purpose only when I unfold the surprise it has in stores for me"

Sahasra appeared back as she stood tall in the centre. The crowds left a sigh of relief as she was not hurt after being slipped into the water for a moment.
Her encounter with the aura and realization of boon were the part of her hallucinating dreams known only to her, until she got distracted by the hard hit on the rock.

The hallucinating Sahasra was reborn, but she no more remembered any of it as she was distracted with a big blow when she slipped into the river. As she stood back on her feet after the blow to the head, the crowd cheers and celebrations helped her, to not bring back the thoughts of the characters from 15th century. She came back to the reality and quivered

Sahasra crossed the river as a techie traveller twelve days back, but on the thirteenth day she was going back as a renowned dancer at the moment. 

The crowd welcomed her with cheers. She looked back at the other side of the river where hundreds including with Biswas and his boys had gathered to wave her good bye. She could not relate the people who she was seeing.

She looked stunned and surprised looking at the banners erected in the temple complex with her dance postures in the back drop. Anjali smiled at her, but things looked strange for her until Ramu rushed to her.

With a diary in his hand, only person that Sahasra could relate or recognize was him. Ramu, handed over the diary to Sahasra that she had left in the temple complex of Achutraya, Sahasra felt relieved as she recognized the diary that she used to write her daily chores. She never expressed her anxiety to read the book.

Ramu, guided her back to the Black Honda City which looked covered with a thick layer of dust. The journey ended where it started, but Sahasra was now a dancing celebrity who would be invited to perform in greater stages along with the peers of the Art form that she desired to meet. 

Sahasra was escorted to the entrance of Hampi in a festival like procession. She was hailed and appreciated. Sahasra accelerated for another 50 km, before she would stop to read the lost and found diary.

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