The plight of Kai

"A-bh-aya", The teacher pronounced stressing the syllable, as the 27 children in the classroom waited for the teacher to explain the meaning. Kai and Sarah, sitting in the second bench, pretended to look at the teacher as they sketched Poseidon on the last page of their notebook. As the teacher defined the word, that means "no fear", Kai wrote down in the page for Sarah to see, "that's you".

as this story happens somewhere in the state of  New Jersy, USA. Where a large number of Indian Diaspora lives. The story revolves around two close friends influenced by the Greek God's stories who embrace their childhood with super natural imaginations, unnatural to the other kids who were obsessed with the Super hero stories of Marvel and DC comics. Kai, a 12 year old, born to Indo-American parents was always fascinated by the Hollywood movies based on Greek God's. Sarah, a girl considered to be the boldest for her valor in raising questions sensible to the society at this young age of 12 was the soul friend of Kai since they met in the country park 5 years back.

It all happened on a summer evening, when Kai and Sarah along with others were busy doing community service in the retirement home as a part of their summer project. Another set of children had come for their service as well, and with them was a man in his late 30's who looked so excited with the kids. 30 minutes before they call it a day, and Kai had to switch team as a part of building new relationship leaving Sarah with a set of new people for the first time in the day.

Sarah looked quite happy, as she saw the man who in his mid 30's to be their team motivator and made faces to Kai so as to make him Jealous. He introduced himself as, Clarke with a magic trick that made the kids fascinated. Kai innocently kept looking at Sarah every time he heard laughter from her team, until they moved to the next block which had less number of inmates. 

They sounded the long whistle as they called it a day, all the kids ran to the assembly point with their motivator's. Sarah ran to Kai hugged him tight and left a sigh of relief. Clarke bid adieu to all the kids and all of them left to their own houses in their School bus. 

Petrified Sarah never let go the hand of Kai, for a real long time, and every time Kai took out his hands, Sarah held them closer. Poor Kai could not really understand what made her behave so strange. He kept asking her and as she decided to say. The stories that followed were so new for Kai and Sarah that, Sarah did not know what exactly happened with her and Kai did not understand why would a man in the age of their father do this to her. Only thing he understood was that the motivator had hurt her and he wanted to avenge for that. 

Yes, Clarke was a pedophile and that is what made him look excited around the Children.

The kids ran to their parents as soon as they reached their house. Kai and Sarah being next door neighbours, their parents felt concerned about the petrified looks in their faces. Kai took the responsibility of explaining what Sarah went through, while he behaved so matured, unusual for a 12 year old. All of them stood shell shocked listening to what Kai was explaining, they understood that Sarah has been molested.

While Kai's parents along with Sarah's father wanted to proceed with a complaint, Sarah's mother was worried about the plight that Sarah would have to go through, talking about the gruesome experience she would had to go through. All that Kai wanted was to avenge Clarke for hurting his soul friend.
A girl who was nicknamed  "Abhaya" was now afraid to come out of her room. Kai was the only person in the whole world who could comfort her.

Kai slept that night in the same bed with Sarah to keep her company. Sarah kept weeping as Kai dozed of, listening to their parents still confused about how to proceed with the situation. His eye movement were rapid as he looked restless in sleep. Sarah had slept by now and was tired that even a loud noise cannot wake her up. Kai could see someone walking beyond the clouds holding the hands of a girl.

An old man with a long white beard, who resembled Dumbledore from harry potter, walked more close to him as he had a girl holding his hands. Kai smiled as he realized that is Sarah with him. He felt the coldest breeze and the fragrance in the atmosphere as the old man hold his wrist.

"Zeus", Kai exclaimed as Sarah smiled at him. 

Kai must be small for this world, but his thoughts weren't

Poor little Kai asked Zeus to help him avenge Clarke for hurting Sarah. He walked Zeus to Clarke and dared him to pick a fight with Sarah again.

  "the kid had not considered Clarke more than a bully". 

Zeus blessed Kai with all his powers. As Clarke neared Sarah, Kai looked up at the skies. His eyes were red as Cyclopes, as he gathered all his might to bring down the most powerful lightning bolt to hit on Clarke. The Lighting bolt struck as Hades cracked open from the underworld to pull down Clarke.

Kai felt more powerful like never before that he rolled over from the bed, and hit his head on the floor so hard. Poor little Kai woke up to his senses. Nothing around him had changed, Sarah was sleeping still as he helplessly thought about how he conspired to bring justice for his friend. All he could do was to dream.

The day resumed and Sarah's mother convinced herself to fight for her daughter's justice. Kai felt relieved when he came to know that the bully would be held responsible and answerable. 


  1. Liked the writing style
    And the story
    Great work
    Keep it coming

  2. I am extremely impressed along with your writing abilities, Thanks for this great share.


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