Cross the stream, to live the dream

She said :
Roses are red
Sky is blue
I mind my business
why don't you?

To which i replied:
Into the darkness
As you go
The life will prove you
I should do!!!

She stumbled:
I was born alone and so were you
why do you bother, what i do
into the darkness, i choose to go
i know the way, as you do

he perplexed:
you know the way, as i do
but what will you do, as you go
i walked to you, to take you home
and you wish to go, rather let go

She bewildered:
i'm not sure, if i should go
but you should know, that my love was true
i stripped my ego, i stripped my clothes
it was for you, because i loved you

he quivered:
wake up from the dream, walk your soul
i always thought, you'll never leave
hold my hands, and cross the stream
As we go back, to live our dream

Inspired from a two liner text
Thank you Anaya


  1. Adipolli...Pwolichu..
    Keep up the good work bro..

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